Study suggests a hot bath a day might keep the heart disease away

It was just last year when a study concluded that a warm bath before bed should indeed help you to sleep. Now, a new study suggests that regular hot soaks may also lower the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.Continue ReadingCategory: Health &am… Continue reading Study suggests a hot bath a day might keep the heart disease away

It's official – a warm bath about 90 minutes before bed should help you sleep

The ideal temperature range is said to be 104 to 109 ºF (40 to 43 ºC)

It’s already commonly thought that a warm bath before going to bed helps improve your sleep. A new meta-study has apparently confirmed this to be the case, however, and has even come up with exact figures regarding the best times and temperatures.

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Category: Health & Wellbeing


Continue reading It's official – a warm bath about 90 minutes before bed should help you sleep

Satellite-based radar could spot faulty bridges from space

Researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, and the University of Bath are developing a technique that uses satellite radar imaging to monitor the safety of bridges and other large-scale infrastructure. Us… Continue reading Satellite-based radar could spot faulty bridges from space

Extreme Pi Overclocking With Mineral Oil

Liquid cooling is a popular way to get a bit of extra performance out of your computer. Usually this is done in desktops, where a special heat sink with copper tubing is glued to the CPU, and the copper tubes are plumbed to a radiator. If you want dive deeper into the world of liquid cooling, you can alternatively submerge your entire computer in a bath of mineral oil like [Timm] has done.

The computer in question here is a Raspberry Pi, and it’s being housed in a purpose-built laser cut acrylic case full of mineral oil. As a SoC, …read more

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