Little golden rods may prevent implant infections by cooking bacteria

When someone receives an implant such as an artificial hip, there’s a real risk of an infection occurring at the implant site. According to a new study, however, a covering of bacteria-frying gold nanorods could keep that from happening.Continue Readin… Continue reading Little golden rods may prevent implant infections by cooking bacteria

Giant gold nuggets could be born from earthquakes and electricity

Stumbling on a giant gold nugget and never working again is something we’ve all daydreamed about, but how exactly do they form? A new experiment has found that earthquakes and electricity might be key ingredients.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: … Continue reading Giant gold nuggets could be born from earthquakes and electricity

Trashed circuit boards prove a literal gold mine for The Royal Mint

Using a proprietary chemical process pioneered by Canadian firm Excir, England’s The Royal Mint has begun mining old circuit boards from electronic devices for gold and converting what’s harvested into attractive, if pricey, jewelry.Continue ReadingCat… Continue reading Trashed circuit boards prove a literal gold mine for The Royal Mint

Goldene: New 2D form of gold makes graphene look boring

Graphene is a bit like the Novak Djokovic of materials – it’s so damn talented that each new achievement feels passé. But now, an exciting new upstart is challenging graphene’s title. Meet goldene, a two-dimensional sheet of gold that has its own stran… Continue reading Goldene: New 2D form of gold makes graphene look boring

Daily gold nanocrystal drink promising as MS and Parkinson’s treatment

Clinical trials using orally administered gold nanoparticles produced promising results in treating neurodegenerative diseases

Phase 2 clinical trials using orally administered gold nanocrystals to treat multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease have produced promising results, restoring metabolites linked to crucial energy activity in the brain that are depleted in these neurodegenerative conditions.

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Nanotechnology in Ancient Rome? There Is Evidence

Anything related to nanotechnology feels fairly modern, doesn’t it? Although Richard Feynman planted the seeds of the idea in 1959, the word itself didn’t really get formed until the 70s …read more Continue reading Nanotechnology in Ancient Rome? There Is Evidence

Gold nanorod films clear surfaces of ice – just add sunlight

Preventing or clearing ice build-up on surfaces is a major winter problem, as areas of the southern US are currently experiencing. Scientists at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have now developed a new thin film coating m… Continue reading Gold nanorod films clear surfaces of ice – just add sunlight