TIOBE Index for February 2025: Top 10 Most Popular Programming Languages

Fast programming languages are the darlings of 2025 so far on both the top and bottom of the list, with Mojo and Zig approaching the top 50. Continue reading TIOBE Index for February 2025: Top 10 Most Popular Programming Languages

Making macOS Universal Apps in Swift with Universal Golang Static Libraries

There are a plethora of amazingly useful Golang libraries, and it has been possible for quite some time to use Go libraries with Swift. The advent of the release of the new Apple Silicon/M1/arm64 architecture for macOS created the need for a new round … Continue reading Making macOS Universal Apps in Swift with Universal Golang Static Libraries

The V Programming Language: Vain Or Virtuous?

If you stay up to date with niche software news, your ears may recently have twitched at the release of a new programming language: V. New hobby-project programming languages are released all the time, you would correctly argue; what makes this one special? The answer is a number of design …read more

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Linux Fu: Pimp Your Pipes

One of the best things about working at the Linux (or similar OS) command line is the use of pipes. In simple terms, a pipe takes the output of one command and sends it to the input of another command. You can do a lot with a pipe, but sometimes it is hard to work out the right order for a set of pipes. A common trick is to attack it incrementally. That is, do one command and get it working with the right options and inputs. Then add another command until that works. Keep adding commands and tweaking until …read more

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