Dynamic Code Analysis: A Primer

The development of a fully optimized and secure application or software requires a wide array of testing tools and analyzers to verify the quality of the application and to make sure that it is running as expected. There are several testing methodolog… Continue reading Dynamic Code Analysis: A Primer

VeraCode static code scan reports "Improper Neutralization of CRLF Sequences in HTTP Headers" for frontend code

I have the following code in my frontend javascript which basically reads the csrf cookie value and sets that in the ajax calls done via jquery.

var csrftoken = self.getCookie(‘csrftoken’);
xhr.setRequestHeader(“X-CSRFToken”, csrf… Continue reading VeraCode static code scan reports "Improper Neutralization of CRLF Sequences in HTTP Headers" for frontend code

VeraCode static code scan of django view reports "External control of Filename or Path" on render method

Veracode is reporting a security issue on a piece of code which seems pretty innocuous to me. The code is built with python/Django and the line in question is:

return render(request, ‘core/create-user.html’, context)

Th… Continue reading VeraCode static code scan of django view reports "External control of Filename or Path" on render method

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Test-Case Reduction, But Didn’t Know to Ask

Imagine reducing the amount of code and time needed to test software, while at the same time increasing the efficacy of your tests and making your debugging tasks easier—all with minimal human effort. It seems too good to be true, but we’re… Continue reading Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Test-Case Reduction, But Didn’t Know to Ask

Two New Tools that Tame the Treachery of Files

Parsing is hard, even when a file format is well specified. But when the specification is ambiguous, it leads to unintended and strange parser and interpreter behaviors that make file formats susceptible to security vulnerabilities. What if we could au… Continue reading Two New Tools that Tame the Treachery of Files