Interactive Musical Art Installation Mixes Vintage, Modern, Lasers, and…Bubbles? Bubbles.

Acorn BBC Master. Apple IIe. Ampex 270 Terminal. Vetrex game console. You’d be hard pressed to find a more diverse hardware collection in the average hacker’s lab. When you add …read more Continue reading Interactive Musical Art Installation Mixes Vintage, Modern, Lasers, and…Bubbles? Bubbles.

Custom Compression Squeezes Classic Computer Choruses Into A Tiny Controller

ATtiny85 on circuit board with 2n2222, pushbutton, usb-c power connector, LED, and speaker.

Geeks of a certain vintage will have fond memories of games that were simplistic by today’s standards, but drew one in all the same. Their low fidelity graphics were often …read more Continue reading Custom Compression Squeezes Classic Computer Choruses Into A Tiny Controller

Otters Deliver a High Power Stationary Audio Experience

Our favorite raft of otters is back at it again with another display of open source audio prowess as they bring us the OtterCastAmp, the newest member of the OtterCast …read more Continue reading Otters Deliver a High Power Stationary Audio Experience