Interactive Musical Art Installation Mixes Vintage, Modern, Lasers, and…Bubbles? Bubbles.

Acorn BBC Master. Apple IIe. Ampex 270 Terminal. Vetrex game console. You’d be hard pressed to find a more diverse hardware collection in the average hacker’s lab. When you add …read more Continue reading Interactive Musical Art Installation Mixes Vintage, Modern, Lasers, and…Bubbles? Bubbles.

SCSI Emulation Of A Rare Peripheral For The Acorn BBC Micro

Mass storage presents a problem for those involved in the preservation of older computer hardware. While today’s storage devices are cheap and huge by the standards of decades ago their modern interfaces are beyond the ability of most older computers. And what period mass storage hardware remains is likely to be both unreliable after several decades of neglect, and rather expensive if it works due to its rarity.

The Domesday Project 86 team face this particular problem to a greater extent than almost any others in the field, because their storage device is a particularly rare Philips Laser Disc drive. …read more

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