Pocket-Sized Deauther Could Definitely Get You In Trouble

Interfering with radio communications, whether through jamming, deauthing attacks, or other meddling, is generally considered a crime, and one that attracts significant penalties. However, studying such techniques should provide a useful edge in the electronic wars to come. In this vein, [Giorgio Filardi] has recently built a WiFi deauther the …read more

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I couldn’t deauth any devices using aireplay-ng command in kali linux

I am using Kali linux. I’ve updated all tools and services by apt-get update and apt-get upgrade.
I was using aircrack-ng for pentesting my wlan network.
I wanted to deauth any device connected to my mobile hotspot using aireplay-ng. synta… Continue reading I couldn’t deauth any devices using aireplay-ng command in kali linux

Is it possible to push a device from a private WiFi in order to decoy it to a public WiFi?

Regarding How to force clients to connect to WiFi automatically? and this situation:

my neighbour is connected to his private Wi-Fi
I have a Pineapple Nano broadcasting public SSID’s (McDonald, Starbuck, etc, but NOT his WP… Continue reading Is it possible to push a device from a private WiFi in order to decoy it to a public WiFi?