Is Zoom the next Android, or the next BlackBerry?

As someone who was at both BlackBerry and Android during their heydays, my biggest learning takeaway is that product experience trumps everything else. Continue reading Is Zoom the next Android, or the next BlackBerry?

How startups can leverage elastic services for cost optimization

The landscape shifts quickly, but managed services providers enable organizations to repurpose full-time staff members from impacted operations to more strategic product lines or initiatives. Continue reading How startups can leverage elastic services for cost optimization

6 CISOs share their game plans for a post-pandemic world

CISOs have shifted their roles quickly and dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic, but many have had to fight fires they never expected. Continue reading 6 CISOs share their game plans for a post-pandemic world

Why we’re doubling down on cloud investments right now

We believe that the next generation of transformative cloud companies will emerge even faster as a result of the new normal created by COVID-19. Continue reading Why we’re doubling down on cloud investments right now

Startups are transforming global trade in the COVID-19 era

The global trade crisis is a setback, but also an opportunity for logistics startups to show the value of digital platforms in an analog industry. Continue reading Startups are transforming global trade in the COVID-19 era

Health APIs usher in the patient revolution we have been waiting for

Rish Joshi Contributor Rish is an entrepreneur and investor. Previously, he was a VC at Gradient Ventures (Google’s AI fund), co-founded a fintech startup building an analytics platform for SEC filings and worked on deep-learning research as a graduate student in computer science at MIT. More posts by this contributor The future of deep-reinforcement learning, […] Continue reading Health APIs usher in the patient revolution we have been waiting for

Enterprise companies find MLOps critical for reliability and performance

Machine learning ops focuses on the ML model and datasets, as opposed to code. Data engineers run MLOps, but it’s likely that the specialized role of MLOps engineer will come about soon. Continue reading Enterprise companies find MLOps critical for reliability and performance

All product creators can learn something from Jackbox Games’ user experiences

While Jackbox clearly owes a great deal of its current popularity to the shelter-in-place policies, they/ve also been honing their craft for years. It’s worth looking at what makes them work. Continue reading All product creators can learn something from Jackbox Games’ user experiences

Will China’s coronavirus-related trends shape the future for American VCs?

There may be dark horses waiting to break out when this pandemic is over. Paraphrasing “A Tale of Two Cities,” this is the worst time, but also maybe the best time. Continue reading Will China’s coronavirus-related trends shape the future for American VCs?