Subscription-based pricing is dead: Smart SaaS companies are shifting to usage-based models

Out of nine SaaS IPOs in recent years that had the best net dollar retention, seven employ usage-based models. Continue reading Subscription-based pricing is dead: Smart SaaS companies are shifting to usage-based models

5 questions every IT team should to be able to answer

It’s more important than ever to know if your IT team has made sound investments and has the agility needed to operate successfully in the face of continued uncertainty. Continue reading 5 questions every IT team should to be able to answer

Which emerging technologies are enterprise companies getting serious about in 2020?

Even within the same industry, not all big, established companies are the same when it comes to their readiness to start investing in new technology. Continue reading Which emerging technologies are enterprise companies getting serious about in 2020?

Privacy data management innovations reduce risk, create new revenue channels

Investments in privacy tools and management practices now are almost certain to deliver major business dividends in the future. Continue reading Privacy data management innovations reduce risk, create new revenue channels

4 enterprise developer trends that will shape 2021

It’s time to shift focus from delivering software to delighting customers. Welcome to a new era of modern software delivery. Continue reading 4 enterprise developer trends that will shape 2021

‘One day we were in the office and the next we were working from home’

“I never imagined that we would have had to put our pandemic plan into action. But because we had a tested strategy already in place, we didn’t miss a beat when COVID-19 struck.” Continue reading ‘One day we were in the office and the next we were working from home’

Gauging growth in the most challenging environment in decades

Before COVID-19 hit, we were already looking at our operations creatively and seeking to become more efficient, so we’re going to come out of a two-year stretch as an even more efficient company. Continue reading Gauging growth in the most challenging environment in decades