2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry honors discoverers of new catalyst class

The 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to Benjamin List and David MacMillan, for their work in developing a new class of catalyst in 2000. The technique is based on small organic molecules and has been instrumental in pharmaceutical researc… Continue reading 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry honors discoverers of new catalyst class

Green ammonia: The rocky pathway to a new clean fuel

You’ll be hearing a lot more about ammonia as a clean fuel option as the race to zero carbon by 2050 progresses. In particular, it looks like a strong option for long-haul shipping and trucking. So what is it, how is it made, and how does it shape up a… Continue reading Green ammonia: The rocky pathway to a new clean fuel

Common pesticide may slow calorie-burning and contribute to obesity

New research published in Nature Communications has found a common pesticide may promote obesity by slowing the calorie-burning ability of certain fat cells. The animal study indicates chlorpyrifos, set to be banned in the United States from next year,… Continue reading Common pesticide may slow calorie-burning and contribute to obesity

EPA finally bans common food pesticide after years of court battles

After years of lengthy court battles the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced it will ban agricultural uses of chlorpyrifos, a pesticide suspected of causing neurodevelopmental problems in children. The ban comes into effect in six … Continue reading EPA finally bans common food pesticide after years of court battles

Chronic pain found to alter brain chemistry and emotion regulation

New research led by a team of Australian scientists has found chronic pain is associated with lower levels of key neurotransmitters in the brain. The researchers believe this chemical disruption plays a role in the difficulties people with chronic pain… Continue reading Chronic pain found to alter brain chemistry and emotion regulation

Simple catalyst could clean contaminated water on Earth and soil on Mars

As if Matt Damon’s character in The Martian didn’t have enough to worry about already, his Red Planet potatoes could be contaminated with perchlorates. But new research led by the University of California Riverside has identified a relatively simple ca… Continue reading Simple catalyst could clean contaminated water on Earth and soil on Mars

European food safety panel reclassifies common food coloring as unsafe

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has reclassified food coloring E171 (titanium dioxide) after an expert panel concluded it “can no longer be considered safe as a food additive.” The announcement comes after years of research suggesting the add… Continue reading European food safety panel reclassifies common food coloring as unsafe

Experimental stimulants common in weight loss and sport supplements

A striking new study testing a number of over-the-counter weight loss and sports supplements has found they contain many combinations of stimulants that have either previously been prohibited by the FDA or never approved for human consumption.Continue … Continue reading Experimental stimulants common in weight loss and sport supplements

Concerns raised over safety of common food preservative

A new study is raising questions over the safety of a commonly used food preservative found in hundreds of products. It’s suspected the compound, tert-butylhydroquinone (known as tBHQ or E319), impairs effective immune system activity and the researche… Continue reading Concerns raised over safety of common food preservative

42 “mystery chemicals” from unknown sources discovered in people

A study from scientists at UC San Francisco is demonstrating a new screening method developed to better identify human-made chemicals in people. The proof-of-concept research discovered more than 100 chemicals, including 55 that have never been reporte… Continue reading 42 “mystery chemicals” from unknown sources discovered in people