AgBiome lands $166M for safer crop protection technology

The company captures diverse microbes for agricultural applications, like crop protection, and screens strains for the best assays that would work for insect, disease and nematode control. Continue reading AgBiome lands $166M for safer crop protection technology

EPA finally bans common food pesticide after years of court battles

After years of lengthy court battles the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced it will ban agricultural uses of chlorpyrifos, a pesticide suspected of causing neurodevelopmental problems in children. The ban comes into effect in six … Continue reading EPA finally bans common food pesticide after years of court battles

How Cyber Safe is Your Drinking Water Supply?

Amid multiple recent reports of hackers breaking into and tampering with drinking water treatment systems comes a new industry survey with some sobering findings: A majority of the 52,000 separate drinking water systems in the United States still haven’t inventoried some or any of their information technology systems — a basic first step in protecting networks from cyberattacks. Continue reading How Cyber Safe is Your Drinking Water Supply?

The Need for a Cybersecurity Protection Agency

There hasn’t been much good news in cybersecurity lately. In the first three months of 2021, organizations have been exposed by zero-days in Microsoft Exchange and Accellion’s secure file transfer appliance, and there have been revelations of three mo… Continue reading The Need for a Cybersecurity Protection Agency

Concerns raised over safety of common food preservative

A new study is raising questions over the safety of a commonly used food preservative found in hundreds of products. It’s suspected the compound, tert-butylhydroquinone (known as tBHQ or E319), impairs effective immune system activity and the researche… Continue reading Concerns raised over safety of common food preservative

42 “mystery chemicals” from unknown sources discovered in people

A study from scientists at UC San Francisco is demonstrating a new screening method developed to better identify human-made chemicals in people. The proof-of-concept research discovered more than 100 chemicals, including 55 that have never been reporte… Continue reading 42 “mystery chemicals” from unknown sources discovered in people

What’s most interesting about the Florida water system hack? That we heard about it at all.

Stories about computer security tend to go viral when they bridge the vast divide between geeks and luddites, and this week’s news about a hacker who tried to poison a Florida town’s water supply was understandably front-page material. But for security nerds who’ve been warning about this sort of thing for ages, the most surprising aspect of the incident seems to be that we learned about it at all. Continue reading What’s most interesting about the Florida water system hack? That we heard about it at all.

Social Security numbers exposed on US government transparency site

The US government exposed dozens of people’s’ personal details, including social security numbers, due to an online mishap on a public transparency portal. Continue reading Social Security numbers exposed on US government transparency site