Sixty years since Mercury Redstone 3, the first crewed US space mission

On May 5, 1961, about 45 million US television viewers watched a single-stage Redstone rocket lift off from Launch Complex 5 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on their black and white sets. Atop the rocket was a tiny capsule less than 7 ft (2 m) … Continue reading Sixty years since Mercury Redstone 3, the first crewed US space mission

Celebrating the 4004’s 0x31st Anniversary

This weekend marked the 49th anniversary of the legendary Intel 4004 microprocessor, and to celebrate [Erturk Kocalar] combined the old and new in this intriguing Retroshield 4004 / Busicom 141-PF calculator project. We have reported on his Arduino shield project before, which lets you connect a variety of old microprocessors …read more

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Hubble celebrates 30 years of exploring the cosmic ocean

The Hubble Space Telescope is celebrating its 30th launch anniversary with the release of a breathtakingly colorful portrait of two star forming nebulae – collectively nicknamed the “Cosmic Reef” – located in a nearby galaxy orbiting the Milky Way. Des… Continue reading Hubble celebrates 30 years of exploring the cosmic ocean

NASA marks Chandra space telescope's 20th anniversary with gallery of stunning new images

A composite image comprised of optical data from the Isaac Newton Telescope and X-ray data from ...

NASA has celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Chandra X-ray Observatory’s orbital life with a collection of new images that reflect the beauty and scientific importance of the veteran space telescope’s work. The gallery includes a vista detailing the center of our galaxy, a beautiful supernova remnant, and a stellar nursery populated by massive, hot young stars.

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Category: Space


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Plastic Model Emulates the First Untethered Spacewalk

Here’s something really wonderful. [Dave Akerman] wrote up the results of his attempt to use a high-altitude balloon to try to re-create a famous image of NASA’s Bruce McCandless floating freely in space with the Earth in the background. [Dave] did this in celebration of the 34th anniversary of the first untethered spacewalk, even going so far as to launch on the same day as the original event in 1984. He had excellent results, with plenty of video and images recorded by his payload.

Adhering to the actual day of the spacewalk wasn’t the only hurdle [Dave] jumped to make …read more

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