How can authoritarian governments sniff TLS encrypted traffic on mass scale?

I tried sniffing TLS web traffic on my own network and I always run against the following complications:

I need to install an additional root cert on my devices
I need to root my phone to do certificate pinning bypass

For a government th… Continue reading How can authoritarian governments sniff TLS encrypted traffic on mass scale?

How could ASP.NET forms authentication session leak into a different site?

We’re dealing with a vulnerability where a forms authentication from one site can be used within a separate site. I can’t figure out how is IIS or ASP.NET allowing this to occur


Login to as user “a… Continue reading How could ASP.NET forms authentication session leak into a different site?

Why are ASP.NET form authentication cookies deleted only on client side if client side can’t be trusted?

ASP.NET documentation says:


Removes the forms-authentication ticket from the browser

Why is the cookie not invalidated at the server as well? It would be easy to implement. After al… Continue reading Why are ASP.NET form authentication cookies deleted only on client side if client side can’t be trusted?

Why bother with certain types of 2fa if they can be easily bypassed?

In the wild, there is a method of bypassing 2fa. The gist of it is that the attacker doesn’t just phish the password, but they also phish the 2nd factor and use those for a real login on their own machine. (described in deta… Continue reading Why bother with certain types of 2fa if they can be easily bypassed?

How to maintain balance between integrity and client satisfaction in vulnerability assessments

I have done a number of vulnerability assessments and I’m noticing a trend. In the first assessment the clients are impressed and grateful for the massive security holes I find. During the second and third assessments, they… Continue reading How to maintain balance between integrity and client satisfaction in vulnerability assessments