Robotic insect moves across the water via world-record tech

Water striders are fascinating to watch, as they scoot across the water while supported by surface tension. Scientists have now built a tiny robotic version of the insect, which utilizes a record-breaking actuator to get a move on.Continue ReadingCateg… Continue reading Robotic insect moves across the water via world-record tech

Lawk One AR Glasses give cyclists and others a double eyeful of info

Some cyclists (or other outdoorsy types) like having access to a lot of information, which is often spread out between different devices. The Lawk One AR Glasses, however, put everything together in one place.Continue ReadingCategory: Outdoors, Lifesty… Continue reading Lawk One AR Glasses give cyclists and others a double eyeful of info

All-in-one gadget sees the invisible to accurately spot problem wounds

When Captain Kirk stepped out with a tricorder in hand in the very first episode of Star Trek in 1966, the data-sensing, -scanning and -analyzing gadget seemed to be a rather useful but very far-in-the-future piece of technology.Continue ReadingCategor… Continue reading All-in-one gadget sees the invisible to accurately spot problem wounds

How Fernando Alonso almost gazumped the Pope’s Ferrari

Blue-chip investment opportunities rarely include a lavish helping of fun, but one area where the two invariably coincide is the long-term ownership of vintage Ferraris, and this week served as a reminder of the potent force of forever rising Ferrari a… Continue reading How Fernando Alonso almost gazumped the Pope’s Ferrari

CapScan capsule gathers gut data where it counts the most

In order to see what’s going on in someone’s digestive tract, doctors typically analyze stool samples obtained from that person. A new swallowable capsule, however, is claimed to paint a much more accurate picture of an individual’s gut health.Continue… Continue reading CapScan capsule gathers gut data where it counts the most

Stem cell discovery could help stop, or reverse, age-related gray hair

While gray hair has been increasingly embraced in recent years, it remains a very visible sign of aging that some would prefer not to broadcast. And despite a lot of research into the mechanism that causes melanin-producing stem cells to run out of ste… Continue reading Stem cell discovery could help stop, or reverse, age-related gray hair

Futuristic adventure camper concept proposes clean, quiet hydrogen RV

Compared to the electric camper vans that have been gradually arriving on the global market, first in Europe and more recently in the United States, a hydrogen fuel cell RV could immediately boost driving range to something more respectable and practic… Continue reading Futuristic adventure camper concept proposes clean, quiet hydrogen RV