What Makes A Hacker

I think I can sum up the difference between those of us who regularly visit Hackaday and the world of non-hackers. As a case study, here is a story about how necessity is the mother of invention and the people who invent.

Hackaday has overlap with sites like Pinterest and Instructables but there is one vital difference, we choose to create something new and beautiful with the materials at hand. Often these tools and techniques are very simple. We look to make things elegant by reducing the unnecessary clutter, not adding glitter. If something could be built with a 555 …read more

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Arduino Video isn’t Quite 4K

Video resolution is always on the rise. The days of 640×480 video have given way to 720, 1080, and even 4K resolutions. There’s no end in sight. However, you need a lot of horsepower to process that many pixels. What if you have a small robot powered by a microcontroller (perhaps an Arduino) and you want it to have vision? You can’t realistically process HD video, or even low-grade video with a small processor. CORTEX systems has an open source solution: a 7 pixel camera with an I2C interface.

The files for SNAIL Vision include a bill of materials and …read more

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Pick-And-Place Machine for Candy

Every December and May the senior design projects from engineering schools start to roll in. Since the students aren’t yet encumbered with real-world detractors (like management) the projects are often exceptional, unique, and solve problems we never even thought we had. Such is the case with [Mark] and [Peter]’s senior design project: a pick and place machine that promises to solve all of life’s problems.

Of course we’ve seen pick-and-place machines before, but this one is different. Rather than identifying resistors and capacitors to set on a PCB, this machine is able to identify and sort candies. The robot — …read more

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A New Theory on the Mysterious Condition Causing Astronauts to Lose Their Vision

Research presented at the Radiological Society of North America meeting this week fits with previously-held hypotheses. Continue reading A New Theory on the Mysterious Condition Causing Astronauts to Lose Their Vision

A New Theory on the Mysterious Condition Causing Astronauts to Lose Their Vision

Research presented at the Radiological Society of North America meeting this week fits with previously-held hypotheses. Continue reading A New Theory on the Mysterious Condition Causing Astronauts to Lose Their Vision

A NASA Scientist’s Bizarre Theory for Why Astronauts Lose Their Vision in Space

To understand why male astronauts have experienced vision changes in space, we need to study women on Earth. Continue reading A NASA Scientist’s Bizarre Theory for Why Astronauts Lose Their Vision in Space