Tracking the Satellites That Keep Us On Track; Monitoring GPS, Galileo, BeiDou, and GLONASS

We may not always be aware of it, but the daily function of the technological world around us is extremely dependent on satellite navigations systems. It helps the DHL guy deliver those parts you were waiting for, and keeps the global financial and communication systems running with precision timing. So, …read more

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Steve Collins: When Things Go Wrong In Space

[Steve Collins] is a regular around Hackaday. He’s brought homebrew LIDARs to our regular meetups, he’s given a talk on a lifetime’s worth of hacking, and he is the owner of the most immaculate Hackaday t-shirt we’ve ever seen.

For the 2016 Hackaday SuperConference,  [Steve] took a break from his day job of driving spacecraft around the Solar System. As you can imagine, NASA plans on things going wrong. How do you plan for that? [Steve] answers all your questions by telling you what happens when things go wrong in space.

Space is the worst possible place for hardware. Not …read more

Continue reading Steve Collins: When Things Go Wrong In Space

A New Theory on the Mysterious Condition Causing Astronauts to Lose Their Vision

Research presented at the Radiological Society of North America meeting this week fits with previously-held hypotheses. Continue reading A New Theory on the Mysterious Condition Causing Astronauts to Lose Their Vision

A New Theory on the Mysterious Condition Causing Astronauts to Lose Their Vision

Research presented at the Radiological Society of North America meeting this week fits with previously-held hypotheses. Continue reading A New Theory on the Mysterious Condition Causing Astronauts to Lose Their Vision