Fablab Saigon Celebrates a Belated Arduino Day

Okay, we’ve just left May and stepped into June, why are we talking about Arduino Day — traditionally a March 16th event where makers congregate and share projects? I live in Ho Chi Minh City, and the event tends to take place in mid-May, but the enthusiasm and collaborative …read more

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Hacker Abroad: Vietnam’s Electronics and Hardware Markets

Ho Chi Mihn City is the hub for sourcing the materials and tools driving the growing Vietnamese economy. Whether you’re building new, or keeping existing equipment running, the supply chains and service companies aren’t yet in place and the markets of HCMC are the go-to for parts and equipment. Let’s …read more

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Hacker Abroad: Vietnam’s Hardware Hackers

One of the unfortunate things about Hackaday’s globe-spanning empire is that you often don’t get to meet the people you work with in person. Since I was in China and it’s right next door, I really wanted to pop over to Vietnam and meet Sean Boyce, who has been writing …read more

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Vietnam’s premier hacking group ramps up targeting of global car companies

A Vietnamese hacking group has been aggressively targeting multinational automotive companies in an apparent bid to support the country’s domestic auto industry, researchers who closely track the group told CyberScoop. Since February, the group known as APT32 sent malicious lures to between five and 10 organizations in the automotive sector, according to Nick Carr, senior manager at cybersecurity company FireEye. FireEye “assesses with moderate confidence” that APT32’s latest activity is in support of “the Vietnamese government’s stated domestic vehicle and auto part manufacturing goals,” Carr said. It is unclear how successful the operation has been. Carr declined to say whether the lures led to compromises of the automotive organizations’ networks. What is clear is that FireEye mobilized resources in response to the threat. “This is a little bit uncommon for [APT32] to do the industry-wide targeting,” he told CyberScoop. “And so, as a company we’ve been putting out more intelligence on our […]

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Facebook Accused of Violating Vietnam’s Cyber Law

Vietnam’s controversial cybersecurity law that tightens government control of the online environment just came into effect on Jan. 1 and it’s already claiming its first victim, writes the Financial Times. On Tuesday, the communist country a… Continue reading Facebook Accused of Violating Vietnam’s Cyber Law

ESET: Vietnamese hacking group hijacks Southeast Asian sites in watering hole campaign

A prominent Vietnam-linked hacking group is exploiting a number of Southeast Asian organizations’ websites to deliver malware that extracts detailed information about victims’ systems, researchers say. According to a report released Tuesday by Slovakian cybersecurity company ESET, the threat group APT32, also known as OceanLotus Group, has been conducting watering hole attacks using at least 21 vulnerable websites belonging to government, media and other organizations as far back as September. APT32 is believed to be based in Vietnam and possibly linked to its government. Past research has shown APT32 to be a highly capable threat group that targets a wide variety of public and private organizations with customized tools for each target. Similarly, this campaign shows APT32 using a unique domain and server for each website it’s using as a watering hole, and the group only sends additional payloads to specific victims, according to ESET. ESET said it notified 21 website […]

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A Giant Sun Storm During the Vietnam War Likely Exploded Dozens of Mines

“The extreme space weather events of early August 1972 had significant impact on the US Navy, which have not been widely reported.” Continue reading A Giant Sun Storm During the Vietnam War Likely Exploded Dozens of Mines

New research highlights Vietnamese group’s custom hacking tools

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered remote access tools, or backdoors, linked to an infamous Vietnamese hacking group with a history of targeting government organizations and intellectual-property-rich companies. Analysts with cybersecurity company Cylance say that while investigating a security incident last year, they found multiple custom backdoors used by the cyber-espionage outfit known as APT32 or OceanLotus Group. The hackers used command and control protocols that were tailored to their targets and that supported multiple network communication methods. “The overall design and development of these threats indicate they come from a well-funded development team,” research from Cylance published Wednesday states. “The OceanLotus Group uses an expansive amount of custom library code that can easily be repurposed for maximum effectiveness against their next target.” Tom Bonner, Cylance’s director of threat research, told CyberScoop that the “underlying code for the APT32 backdoors is highly modular,” meaning it can be repurposed by tweaking command and control protocols. APT32, […]

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