Putting a gravitational wave detector on the Moon could find new physics

It’s tricky business detecting gravitational waves – these ripples in the very fabric of spacetime are often drowned out by background vibrations from earthquakes, traffic and other human activity. Now a pair of astrophysicists has proposed a new locat… Continue reading Putting a gravitational wave detector on the Moon could find new physics

Scientists bypass “undruggable” cancer proteins to shrink tumors in mice

Researchers at Vanderbilt University have discovered how to effectively switch off a gene that drives the growth of cancer. The gene, known as Myc, has long been a target but was considered “undruggable” – so the team instead shut down a protein that i… Continue reading Scientists bypass “undruggable” cancer proteins to shrink tumors in mice

Gravitational waves signal most massive black hole collision ever recorded

The LIGO and Virgo Scientific Collaboration has detected gravitational waves coming from the most massive black hole collision that it’s ever recorded. The end result created a gargantuan black hole that belongs to a new class.Continue ReadingCategory:… Continue reading Gravitational waves signal most massive black hole collision ever recorded

Cashew shell compound helps repair MS nerve damage in rats

Scientists have identified a chemical compound that may unlock new treatments for autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis (MS). In tests on cell cultures and rats, the team found that anacardic acid, which occurs in the shell of cashew nuts, seemed… Continue reading Cashew shell compound helps repair MS nerve damage in rats

Landmark study finds deep brain stimulation slows Parkinson’s progression

If validated in larger studies, deep brain stimulation will become the first clinically proven therapy to slow Parkinson's disease progression

New data chronicling the long-term effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) on early-stage Parkinson’s disease patients has found the treatment significantly slows its progression. Researchers from Vanderbilt University Medical Center suggest, if the results are validated in a large Phase 3 trial currently underway, DBS will become the first therapy clinically proven to slow the progression of this neurodegenerative disease.

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Study: Ransomware, Data Breaches at Hospitals tied to Uptick in Fatal Heart Attacks

Hospitals that have been hit by a data breach or ransomware attack can expect to see an increase in the death rate among heart patients in the following months or years because of cybersecurity remediation efforts, a new study posits. Health industry experts say the findings should prompt a larger review of how security — or the lack thereof — may be impacting patient outcomes. Continue reading Study: Ransomware, Data Breaches at Hospitals tied to Uptick in Fatal Heart Attacks

Coating immune cells in nanoparticles helps seek and destroy rogue cancer cells

One of the main reasons cancer can be so difficult to beat is because of its ability to spread through the body, even after the primary tumor has been surgically removed. But now researchers from Vanderbilt University have developed a new tec… Continue reading Coating immune cells in nanoparticles helps seek and destroy rogue cancer cells