Steam’s New Policy Could Really Hurt the ‘Bloody Boobs’ Franchise
Steam ends its Greenlight program, creating more questions than answers about its replacement. Continue reading Steam’s New Policy Could Really Hurt the ‘Bloody Boobs’ Franchise
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Steam ends its Greenlight program, creating more questions than answers about its replacement. Continue reading Steam’s New Policy Could Really Hurt the ‘Bloody Boobs’ Franchise
A cross-site scripting vulnerability on the Steam gaming platform has been patched. The flaw could be exploited by simply viewing a crafted profile. Continue reading Valve Patches Trivial XSS Bug in Steam
Booby-trapped profiles could be used to spend visitors’ market funds, experts warn. Continue reading As Valve eradicates serious bug in Steam, here’s what you need to know
Hackers could’ve exploited Steam users just by tricking them into visiting a user profile. Continue reading How Hackers Could Have Pwned You With a Nasty Steam Bug
[deater] readily admits they’re a little behind on what’s new in gaming – only having just gotten around to Valve’s 2007 release of Portal. It’s a popular game, but [deater] didn’t want anyone to miss out on the fun – so set about porting Portal to the Apple II.
The port uses the “hires” mode of the Apple II for the flashy graphics that were state of the art around 1980 or so. It’s not a copy of the full game – only the first and last levels, combined with Jonathan Coulton’s now-classic ending theme, Still Alive. As is to …read more
[Alan Yates] is a hacker’s engineer. His job at Valve has been to help them figure out the hardware that makes virtual reality (VR) a real reality. And he invented a device that’s clever enough that it really should work, but difficult enough that it wasn’t straightforward how to make it work.
In his presentation at the Hackaday Supercon 2016, he walked us through all of the design and engineering challenges that were eventually conquered in getting the Lighthouse to market. We’re still a bit overwhelmed by the conceptual elegance of the device, so it’s nice to have the behind-the-scenes …read more
Continue reading Alan Yates: Why Valve’s Lighthouse Can’t Work
[CNLohr] needs no introduction around these parts. He’s pulled off a few really epic hacks. Recently, he’s set his sights on writing a simple, easy to extend library to work with the HTC Vive VR controller equipment, and in particular the Watchman controller.
There’s been a lot of previous work on the device, so [Charles] wasn’t starting from scratch, and he live-streamed his work, allowing others to play along. In the process, two engineers who actually worked on the hardware in question, [Alan Yates] and [Ben Jackson], stopped by and gave some oblique hints and “warmer-cooler” guidance. A much-condensed version …read more
Continue reading [CNLohr] Reverses Vive, Valve Engineers Play Along
New driver doesn’t support camera tracking or motion controls, but it’s a step forward. Continue reading Thanks to Modders, You Can Now Play SteamVR Games with a PSVR Headset
Unfinished campaign mission differed from core game by encouraging players to split up. Continue reading Original ‘Left 4 Dead’ Developer Releases ‘Lost’ Level for Free
Cognitive dissonance combats biases and builds empathy. Continue reading How Valve Tricked Players into Being Less Toxic