Vitamin B3 may give cells the boost they need to reverse chronic pain

Short-lived, acute pain is a normal response to an injury and will steadily diminish as inflammation subsides. For some, however, this kind of pain develops into a chronic condition that persists for more than six months. Scientists have had little und… Continue reading Vitamin B3 may give cells the boost they need to reverse chronic pain

Microbial dark matter yields new type of superbug-busting antibiotic

Researchers have derived an antibiotic from microbes living in the sandy soil of North Carolina. Because it works completely differently than others before it, clovibactin might help turn the tide in the battle against superbugs that resist current dru… Continue reading Microbial dark matter yields new type of superbug-busting antibiotic

Tailor-made light passes through opaque obstacles like they’re not there

Even diffuse objects like clouds or sugar cubes cast shadows, because they’re disordered media that scatter light waves. But now, researchers at TU Wien and Utrecht University have found a way to manipulate light waves to pass through, projecting an im… Continue reading Tailor-made light passes through opaque obstacles like they’re not there

Underwater avalanches drive microplastic waste into the deep ocean

Millions of tons of plastic waste washes into the world’s oceans each year, but a new study has revealed that it doesn’t all move through the water in the same way. Scientists investigating the movement of submarine sediment have found that so-called u… Continue reading Underwater avalanches drive microplastic waste into the deep ocean