The protein that dials up ‘good’ fat production has been discovered

In a major breakthrough, scientists have identified a rather elusive protein involved in the production of ‘good’ fat, brown fat, and found it can even boost the formation of these cells in white fat. Understanding how to ‘switch on’ the creation of th… Continue reading The protein that dials up ‘good’ fat production has been discovered

Microbial dark matter yields new type of superbug-busting antibiotic

Researchers have derived an antibiotic from microbes living in the sandy soil of North Carolina. Because it works completely differently than others before it, clovibactin might help turn the tide in the battle against superbugs that resist current dru… Continue reading Microbial dark matter yields new type of superbug-busting antibiotic

Alpaca nanobodies target and dissolve root cause of chronic inflammation

Alpaca immune systems have some properties that may be very useful to medical science

By tapping into the unique immune system of alpacas, scientists have developed a promising technique for tempering chronic inflammation associated with conditions such as arthritis. The breakthrough hinges on what are known as nanobodies, which when taken from the woolly mammals were shown to neutralize the alarm system for the immune system and, in doing so, treat excessive inflammation in unhealthy mice.

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