Cold brew coffee in under 3 minutes? Ultrasound makes it possible

Downing a freshly brewed cup of coffee in the morning can be vital for facing the day ahead, but what if you had to wait up to a day to get your caffeine hit? That’s on the menu if you like your Joe brewed cold, but researchers have now managed to cold… Continue reading Cold brew coffee in under 3 minutes? Ultrasound makes it possible

Only half of atrial fibrillation patients survive another 10 years

AF, or AFib, and its close medical cousin, atrial flutter, are associated with complications such as stroke, heart failure, and heart attack. While there’s an understandable focus on treating these conditions to prevent acute complications, less resear… Continue reading Only half of atrial fibrillation patients survive another 10 years

Giant raptor dinosaur had legs taller than you

The six-foot-tall raptors in the Jurassic Park movies were terrifying enough, but now scientists have described a giant new raptor species whose legs alone were that tall.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, ScienceTags: Dinosaurs, University of Queensla… Continue reading Giant raptor dinosaur had legs taller than you

Freaky-looking new longhaired beetle owns its fungal flair

Would you want to eat this beetle? Probably not, as it appears to be covered in fungus. That “fungus” is actually hair, however, which the recently discovered insect may use to put off would-be predators.Continue ReadingCategory: Biology, ScienceTags: … Continue reading Freaky-looking new longhaired beetle owns its fungal flair

Video: Eco-friendlier offshore fish farm sinks to ride out storms

A new type of submersible fish farm could make aquaculture operations much more eco-friendly. The storm-resistant structure is designed to stay out in the deep, cold waters of the open ocean, where it should have less environmental impact than shore-ad… Continue reading Video: Eco-friendlier offshore fish farm sinks to ride out storms

Cystic fibrosis breakthrough points to zinc as infection buster

Zinc has been found to be important in keeping lung infections at bay in people with cystic fibrosis, whose immune cell’s natural bacteria-fighting ability has been reduced by the genetic mutation that causes the disease. The discovery could result in … Continue reading Cystic fibrosis breakthrough points to zinc as infection buster

Unlocking mystery of memory formation opens door to Alzheimer’s treatment

For the first time, researchers have identified how the brain’s fatty acids and the genes that control them are crucial to memory formation. In addition to increasing our understanding of how memories are formed, the discovery opens the door to novel t… Continue reading Unlocking mystery of memory formation opens door to Alzheimer’s treatment

Deadly spider’s life-saving heart and stroke drug set for clinical trial

An effective drug to stop potentially fatal cell damage in heart attack and ischemic stroke is one step closer to reality, after the K’gari funnel-web spider venom molecule Hi1a met critical benchmarks on its road to human trials.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Deadly spider’s life-saving heart and stroke drug set for clinical trial

Drugs identified that may reverse brain fog caused by COVID-19

Experimenting on lab-grown mini-brains and mice, researchers have found that SARS-CoV-19 infection can cause ‘zombie’ cells to accumulate, contributing to the brain fog associated with long COVID, and have identified drugs that can reverse this virus-r… Continue reading Drugs identified that may reverse brain fog caused by COVID-19

Platelets produce same positive effect as exercise in the aged brain

Platelets are best known for stopping bleeding by clumping together to produce blood clots. But researchers have discovered they have an unexpected ability: they produce a biochemical that has been found to rejuvenate the brains of aged mice, similar t… Continue reading Platelets produce same positive effect as exercise in the aged brain