New synthetic red blood cells are even better than the real thing

Researchers have created synthetic red blood cells (RBCs) that have all of the useful properties of the real thing, plus a few new tricks. These new cells could be put to work carrying oxygen or drugs through the body, sensing toxins, and other tasks.C… Continue reading New synthetic red blood cells are even better than the real thing

Memory-preserving particles could form part of an Alzheimer's vaccine puzzle

A new type of virus-like particle has been shown to improve Alzheimer’s symptoms in mice. Could ...

Alzheimer’s is a disease with a number of potential causes and therefore a number of potential targets for prevention. One of those centers on a protein call tau, which can gather in long tangles that kill off neurons in the brain. Scientists have developed what they describe as a vaccine to keep the brain clear of these dangerous clumps, and found that treating mice in this way helped stave off the kind of memory decline associated with the disease.

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Category: Medical


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