Nanoparticle urine test diagnoses cancer and pinpoints its location

The earlier cancer is detected, the better the outcome for the patient. Now, researchers at MIT have developed a new diagnostic system that can be performed as a simple urine test to detect the presence of cancer, and if a positive is returned, a follo… Continue reading Nanoparticle urine test diagnoses cancer and pinpoints its location

Protective protein prevents cancer cells spreading into the bloodstream

Cancer becomes far more dangerous when it spreads through the body. Now, researchers at Johns Hopkins University have identified a protein that stops cells getting into the bloodstream – and found that metastasizing cancer cells ignore it. This may rev… Continue reading Protective protein prevents cancer cells spreading into the bloodstream

Cancer immunotherapy breakthrough reactivates tumor suppressor protein

Researchers at Karolinska Institute in Sweden have made a breakthrough in the arms race that is cancer immunotherapy. The team has blocked a protein that silences an important tumor-suppressing protein, allowing the latter to get back to work.Continue … Continue reading Cancer immunotherapy breakthrough reactivates tumor suppressor protein

New CAR-NK cell immunotherapy safely tackles breast cancers in lab tests

Immunotherapy is a promising avenue for cancer treatment, but it has trouble against solid tumors without triggering major side effects. Now, researchers at McMaster University have developed a new form of the treatment that supercharges a different ty… Continue reading New CAR-NK cell immunotherapy safely tackles breast cancers in lab tests

Modified blood platelets combine heat and immunotherapy to kill cancer

Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have developed an intriguing new way to fight cancer by combining two types of experimental therapies. Their secret ingredient is creating a feedback loop using modified blood platelets.Continue Read… Continue reading Modified blood platelets combine heat and immunotherapy to kill cancer

New insights into how night shift work heightens cancer risk

Compelling new experimental research has found circadian rhythm disruptions caused by night shift work can alter the expression of tumor-related genes, making one more vulnerable to the DNA damage that leads to cancer. The study builds on a growing und… Continue reading New insights into how night shift work heightens cancer risk

Injections of drug-loaded sticky nanoparticles could shrink skin cancer

Researchers at Yale University have shown how skin cancer could one day be treated with a simple injection. The team found that they could shrink tumors by injecting them with adhesive nanoparticles loaded with chemotherapy drugs.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Injections of drug-loaded sticky nanoparticles could shrink skin cancer

Scientists bypass “undruggable” cancer proteins to shrink tumors in mice

Researchers at Vanderbilt University have discovered how to effectively switch off a gene that drives the growth of cancer. The gene, known as Myc, has long been a target but was considered “undruggable” – so the team instead shut down a protein that i… Continue reading Scientists bypass “undruggable” cancer proteins to shrink tumors in mice

Heating cancer cells with magnetic nanoparticles can enhance chemotherapy

A new study led by researchers from University College London suggests that combining traditional chemotherapy with an experimental therapy using magnetic nanoparticles to heat up tumor cells could significantly enhance the efficacy of both treatments…. Continue reading Heating cancer cells with magnetic nanoparticles can enhance chemotherapy

Harvard study finds fatty diets may feed cancer and starve immune cells

Obesity has long been linked to cancer, but the complete picture still eludes scientists. Now, a new study from Harvard highlights some missing pieces of the puzzle, finding that cancer cells can use the higher fat availability to starve immune cells o… Continue reading Harvard study finds fatty diets may feed cancer and starve immune cells