“Super melanin” cream can protect skin from sun damage and heal wounds

Researchers have created a cream containing a souped-up, synthetic version of the free-radical-removing melanin we produce naturally to protect skin from sun damage and accelerate the healing of existing damage. They see it being added to sunscreens an… Continue reading “Super melanin” cream can protect skin from sun damage and heal wounds

“Super melanin” cream can protect skin from sun damage and heal wounds

Researchers have created a cream containing a souped-up, synthetic version of the free-radical-removing melanin we produce naturally to protect skin from sun damage and accelerate the healing of existing damage. They see it being added to sunscreens an… Continue reading “Super melanin” cream can protect skin from sun damage and heal wounds

Stanford coral study pinpoints cause of sunscreen’s toxic effects

Sunscreens are known to pose a risk to coral reefs through a common ingredient called oxybenzone, but the precise mechanisms underlying these toxic effects are not well understood. Stanford scientists have now shown how corals convert the compound into… Continue reading Stanford coral study pinpoints cause of sunscreen’s toxic effects