CERN searches for "dark photons," light's hypothetical cousin that could unlock dark matter

CERN experiments have been unable to detect dark photons

Dark matter is a mysterious substance that seems to permeate the universe, but detecting it is tricky on account of it not interacting with regular matter very often. Scientists have a list of particles that they’re working through as possible suspects, and now that list is a little shorter. Experiments at CERN have ruled out some types of dark photons, inching us closer to finding the elusive dark matter.

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Category: Physics


Continue reading CERN searches for "dark photons," light's hypothetical cousin that could unlock dark matter

Solar Chameleons: CERN's search for dark energy particles from the Sun

Dark energy is one theory to explain the accelerating expansion of the universe, and a new ...

One of the biggest mysteries of the universe is why its expansion seems to be speeding up. Physicists have attributed it to a strange force called dark energy, but exactly how it works is largely speculative. Hypothetical “chameleon” particles could be behind dark energy, and physicists at CERN have been searching for these particles streaming from the Sun. Now, the team has reported the first results of their search.

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Category: Physics


Continue reading Solar Chameleons: CERN's search for dark energy particles from the Sun

CERN’s New Collider Design Is Four Times Larger Than the LHC

If built, the Future Circular Collider will be 10 times more powerful than the Large Hadron Collider, and could discover new types of particles. Continue reading CERN’s New Collider Design Is Four Times Larger Than the LHC

Here’s a Knot of Dark Matter Binding Two Galaxies Together

Check out the first composite image of a dark matter filament in our universe. Continue reading Here’s a Knot of Dark Matter Binding Two Galaxies Together