Tiny salt-grain-sized camera snaps hi-res full-color images

Researchers at Princeton and the the University of Washington have developed a tiny camera, the size of a grain of salt, which can snap sharp, full-color images. It’s made with a metasurface that captures light, which could be scaled up to turn entire … Continue reading Tiny salt-grain-sized camera snaps hi-res full-color images

Twisted light makes for breakthrough quantum computer chip

Quantum computers have the potential to drastically outperform traditional computers, but for now they’re mostly limited to labs and big experimental setups. Japanese researchers have now made a step towards more accessible quantum computing devices, f… Continue reading Twisted light makes for breakthrough quantum computer chip

Data transmission speed record clocks blistering 319 Terabits per second

The world record for fastest internet speed has been utterly shattered as Japanese engineers have demonstrated a data transmission rate of 319 Terabits per second (Tb/s) through optical fibers. The record was set over more than 3,000 km (1,864 miles) o… Continue reading Data transmission speed record clocks blistering 319 Terabits per second

Toshiba breaks quantum communication record with 600 km of optical fibers

A quantum internet could one day allow quantum computers to team up and tackle some gigantic problems. Now the world is a step closer to that reality, as researchers at Toshiba have demonstrated quantum communications sent over a record-breaking 600 km… Continue reading Toshiba breaks quantum communication record with 600 km of optical fibers