Wonder enzyme may hold the key to longer, healthier lives

Could an enzyme responsible for breaking down and eliminating booze from our bodies also be able to help us lead longer, healthier lives? Scientists have discovered a molecular mechanism that could offer just that.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, Sci… Continue reading Wonder enzyme may hold the key to longer, healthier lives

Puzzling study finds bee lifespans are now 50% shorter than 50 years ago

Striking research from a pair of entomologists at the University of Maryland suggests the lifespan of honey bees kept in controlled laboratory conditions is 50% shorter than what was seen in the 1970s. The researchers hypothesize genetic changes in bee… Continue reading Puzzling study finds bee lifespans are now 50% shorter than 50 years ago

How a smartphone could predict your risk of dying within 5 years

Your smartphone likely vibrates multiple times a day with various notifications – messages from friends, bank account payments, weather warnings. But in the future there may be another kind of notification coming from your smartphone, a message from an… Continue reading How a smartphone could predict your risk of dying within 5 years

Anti-insulin protein helps queen ants live five times longer than workers

A fascinating new study has discovered an insulin-suppressing protein that can help extend the lifespan of some ants. The research revealed that in a certain species of ant this anti-aging pathway is activated when workers transition to the position of… Continue reading Anti-insulin protein helps queen ants live five times longer than workers

Landmark study finds surprising timing of life’s metabolic highs and lows

Putting a little bit of weight on in middle age has often been waved away as a result of slowing metabolism. “I’m not burning those calories as quickly as I did when I was younger,” people often say. But a landmark new study tracking energy expenditure… Continue reading Landmark study finds surprising timing of life’s metabolic highs and lows

Common blood pressure drug found to have lifespan-extending potential

Scientists from Osaka City University have found metolazone, an anti-hypertension drug that has been around for almost 50 years, can kickstart a lifespan-extending cellular repair process in roundworms. The research suggests this mechanism could be tra… Continue reading Common blood pressure drug found to have lifespan-extending potential

Older people today are smarter, stronger and faster than 30 years ago

A compelling new study from researchers in Finland has compared the physical and cognitive performance of a group of older people in 2017 with a similarly aged group three decades earlier. Improvements were seen in almost every test, suggesting progres… Continue reading Older people today are smarter, stronger and faster than 30 years ago

Promising naturally occurring anti-aging compound looks to human trials

An impressive new study from researchers at The Buck Institute for Research on Aging has found mice given supplements of an endogenous metabolite display significant healthspan improvements. The research follows on from other similar animal studies wit… Continue reading Promising naturally occurring anti-aging compound looks to human trials

How long should a nap be? New study suggests keep it under an hour

A new meta-analysis, encompassing more than 20 studies, suggests daytime naps lasting more than 60 minutes can be linked to higher rates of all-cause mortality and poor cardiovascular health. Although the finding is only correlational, the researchers … Continue reading How long should a nap be? New study suggests keep it under an hour

Anti-aging enzyme discovery raises prospect of lifespan extension

A study from researchers at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) is providing new insights into a cellular energy pathway that has been linked to longer lifespan. The research, conducted in human cells and roundworms, raises the p… Continue reading Anti-aging enzyme discovery raises prospect of lifespan extension