Robot Vacuums Suck Up Sensitive Audio in ‘LidarPhone’ Hack

Researchers have unveiled an attack that allows attackers to eavesdrop on homeowners inside their homes, through the LiDAR sensors on their robot vacuums. Continue reading Robot Vacuums Suck Up Sensitive Audio in ‘LidarPhone’ Hack

Dual-radar tech could help self-driving cars see through fog

Self-driving cars typically use both LiDAR and radar to detect obstacles on the road ahead, yet neither system is adept at identifying vehicles through fog. Now, though, engineers have discovered that radar is good at the task if it’s “doubled up.”Cont… Continue reading Dual-radar tech could help self-driving cars see through fog

The Ground Beneath Your Feet: SuperAdobe Construction

Homes in different parts of the world used to look different from each other out of necessity, built to optimize for the challenges and benefits of local climate. When residential climate control systems became commonplace that changed. Where a home in tropical south Florida once required very different building methods …read more

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Jetson Nano Robot

[Stevej52] likes to build things you can’t buy, and this Jetson Nano robot falls well within that category. Reading the project details, you might think [Stevej52] drinks too much coffee.  But we think he is just excited to have successfully pulled off the Herculean task of integrating over a dozen …read more

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LiDAR tech lets robots spot what soldiers may miss

There are now several robots that are designed to accompany and assist ground-based army troops. Those machines could soon have a new ability – detecting changes in the environment that may be missed by soldiers.Continue ReadingCategory: Robotics, Tech… Continue reading LiDAR tech lets robots spot what soldiers may miss

Volvo to make autonomous cars with built-in LIDAR from 2022

From cameras to radar and GPS to ultrasonic sensors, today’s autonomous vehicles use a range of technologies to navigate the world around them. However, LiDAR generally hasn’t been among them due to its high cost. But that could be about to change with… Continue reading Volvo to make autonomous cars with built-in LIDAR from 2022

Huge advance as photon-sensing 3D camera crosses the megapixel mark

Researchers have demonstrated a new depth-sensing 3D camera that can detect single photons of light at megapixel resolution and 24,000 frames per second, both record highs. Its incredible capabilities could power next-generation vision systems for auto… Continue reading Huge advance as photon-sensing 3D camera crosses the megapixel mark

LIDAR Built on Familiar Platform

Moore’s law may have reached its physical limit for transistor density, but plenty of other technologies are still on that familiar path of getting smaller and smaller as time passes. It looks like LIDAR is no exception to this trend either. This project from [Owen] shows a fully-functional LIDAR system …read more

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LIDAR System Isn’t Just A Rangefinder Anymore

For any project there’s typically a trade-off between quality and cost,as higher quality parts, more features, or any number of aspects of a project can drive its price up. It seems as though [iliasam] has managed to avoid this paradigm entirely with his project. His new LIDAR system knocks it …read more

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