Breakthrough study reveals how exercise helps immune cells kill cancer

We know exercise is good for the mind and body, and for years researchers have seen a distinct correlation between physical exercise and lower rates of cancer incidence. But exactly how exercise could be directly helping the body fight cancer has been … Continue reading Breakthrough study reveals how exercise helps immune cells kill cancer

Long-term endurance exercise found to alter more than 1000 genes

While much research has investigated short-term physiological responses to exercise a new study has set out to examine how long-term physical training, consistently performed for over a decade, can influence gene activity to prevent metabolic disease.C… Continue reading Long-term endurance exercise found to alter more than 1000 genes

New discovery helps explain ketamine’s antidepressant qualities

Scientists from Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet have discovered a new mechanism to help illustrate the rapid antidepressant qualities of ketamine. The large study imaged patients with treatment-resistant depression and found ketamine’s therapeutic effec… Continue reading New discovery helps explain ketamine’s antidepressant qualities

New discovery helps explain ketamine’s antidepressant qualities

Scientists from Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet have discovered a new mechanism to help illustrate the rapid antidepressant qualities of ketamine. The large study imaged patients with treatment-resistant depression and found ketamine’s therapeutic effec… Continue reading New discovery helps explain ketamine’s antidepressant qualities

Neanderthal gene increases fertility, reduces miscarriage in modern women

A genetic variant inherited from our ancient Neanderthal relatives and thought to confer heightened fertility has been found in modern humans. The new research suggests almost one in three European women carry some degree of the gene variant.Continue R… Continue reading Neanderthal gene increases fertility, reduces miscarriage in modern women

Controversial pedophile study finds drug may reduce risk of child sexual abuse

Four years after it was first announced, the results of a controversial clinical trial have finally been published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry. The study found a testosterone-reducing drug, originally developed as a prostate cancer treatment, lowere… Continue reading Controversial pedophile study finds drug may reduce risk of child sexual abuse

Parkinson’s discovery implicates “second brain” in the gut

The evidence is become more and more compelling that Parkinson's may be associated with the gut

A growing body of evidence is forging a stronger and stronger connection between the onset of Parkinson’s disease and the gut. Scientists at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have thrown further weight behind this theory, with an investigation of cellular behavior in the nervous system of the digestive system revealing possible tell-tale signs at the earliest stages of the disease.

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Newly discovered sensory "organ" may play a painful role

You may think that we’ve got a pretty good handle on which organs there are in the body by now, but it turns out that the final count is surprisingly contentious. Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden claim to have discovered a new s… Continue reading Newly discovered sensory "organ" may play a painful role