The story of why Marc Benioff gifted the domain to Steve Jobs

In Marc Benioff’s book, Trailblazer, he tells the tale of how Steve Jobs planted the seeds of the idea that would become the first enterprise app store, and how Benioff eventually paid Jobs back with the gift of the domain. While Salesforce did truly help blaze a trail when it launched as an enterprise […] Continue reading The story of why Marc Benioff gifted the domain to Steve Jobs

Apple removes VPN Apps from the China App Store

In order to comply with Chinese censorship law, Apple has started removing all virtual private network (VPN) apps from the App Store in China, making it harder for internet users to bypass its Great Firewall.

VPN service providers that provide service… Continue reading Apple removes VPN Apps from the China App Store

iCloud support scams

Stay on the lookout for a new iCloud scam. A Malwarebytes employee reported receiving multiple calls claiming to be from Apple Support and asking for her credentials.
Mac Cybercrime
Tags: AppleApple IDcelebgateicloudiCloud IDi… Continue reading iCloud support scams