Long COVID and chronic fatigue syndrome share striking similarities

A new review article, spearheaded by researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, asserts the increasingly prominent condition known as long COVID shares significant physiological similarities to chronic fatigue syndrome. The researche… Continue reading Long COVID and chronic fatigue syndrome share striking similarities

Genetic cause of endometriosis discovered, pointing to new drug therapy

Decades of research has culminated in a landmark study identifying a novel genetic variant that is associated with severe cases of endometriosis. The gene is known to play a role in several inflammatory diseases and the findings direct researchers towa… Continue reading Genetic cause of endometriosis discovered, pointing to new drug therapy

Histamine may be a missing link connecting inflammation and depression

Through a series of ingenious mouse experiments, researchers have discovered evidence that inflammation-induced histamine activity can inhibit the release of serotonin in the brain. The findings suggest histamine may play a key role in causing depressi… Continue reading Histamine may be a missing link connecting inflammation and depression

WHO begins global trial testing trio of drugs to treat severe COVID-19

The World Health Organization is launching a large-scale global clinical trial testing whether a trio of pre-existing drugs can be repurposed to treat those hospitalized with severe COVID-19. The project serves as the second phase of WHO’s Solidarity p… Continue reading WHO begins global trial testing trio of drugs to treat severe COVID-19

Long-lasting immune abnormalities detected in recovered COVID-19 patients

New Australian research is offering a thorough look at the lasting impact of COVID-19 on immune system activity. Tracking a wide variety of biomarkers the research found immune abnormalities persisting at least six months after patients recover from ac… Continue reading Long-lasting immune abnormalities detected in recovered COVID-19 patients

Fermented vs. high-fiber diet microbiome study delivers surprising results

Investigating the relationship between diet, gut bacteria and systemic inflammation, a team of Stanford University researchers has found just a few weeks of following a diet rich in fermented foods can lead to improvements in microbiome diversity and r… Continue reading Fermented vs. high-fiber diet microbiome study delivers surprising results

Fermented vs. high-fiber diet microbiome study delivers surprising results

Investigating the relationship between diet, gut bacteria and systemic inflammation, a team of Stanford University researchers has found just a few weeks of following a diet rich in fermented foods can lead to improvements in microbiome diversity and r… Continue reading Fermented vs. high-fiber diet microbiome study delivers surprising results

Beer yeast genetically engineered to detect and treat gut inflammation

Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital have engineered yeast used in baking, wine-making and brewing to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The bacteria has been modified to secrete an anti-inflammatory molecule in response to signs of gut i… Continue reading Beer yeast genetically engineered to detect and treat gut inflammation

Pathogenic gut bacteria linked to weight loss from low-calorie diet

A new study investigating how a low-calorie diet alters gut microbial populations is reporting unexpected results. The findings reveal a strange relationship between extreme caloric restriction and increased levels of a pathogenic bacteria linked to in… Continue reading Pathogenic gut bacteria linked to weight loss from low-calorie diet

Stanford study finds inflammation in brains of deceased COVID-19 patients

New research led by the Stanford School of Medicine is offering a detailed investigation into brain tissue from those who died from COVID-19. Although no trace of the SARS-CoV-2 virus could be detected, “profound molecular markers of inflammation” were… Continue reading Stanford study finds inflammation in brains of deceased COVID-19 patients