World-first artificial synthesis of starch from CO2 outperforms nature

Starch is an essential material for everything from bread-baking to paper-making, and there is much to be gained from streamlining the way we produce it. Scientists in China have managed to take an important step forwards in this area, developing a nov… Continue reading World-first artificial synthesis of starch from CO2 outperforms nature

Lasers could bring the precision of 3D printing to the cooking of food

Even though it’s now possible to 3D-print foods into millimeter-precise shapes and forms, cooking those printed foods is still a fairly inexact process. Scientists are trying to change that, by using lasers to cook foods to specific optimized standards… Continue reading Lasers could bring the precision of 3D printing to the cooking of food

Lab-grown coffee cuts out the beans and deforestation

As the world’s population continues to grow, so does the strain we place on the environment in our efforts to feed all those hungry mouths, and part of the solution may lie in the lab. We’ve seen how lab-grown meats like rib-eye steaks, burgers or chic… Continue reading Lab-grown coffee cuts out the beans and deforestation

Low-energy freezing technology keeps food fresh without forming ice

The typical freezers found homes and restaurants play an invaluable role in preserving foods until they’re ready to be eaten, but an alternative technology promises to not only use far less energy, but improve food quality at the same time. Known as is… Continue reading Low-energy freezing technology keeps food fresh without forming ice

Japanese scientists produce first 3D-bioprinted, marbled Wagyu beef

The world of lab-grown meats is fast filling with all kinds of tasty bites, from burgers, to chicken breasts, to a series of increasingly complex cuts of steak. Expanding the scope of cultured beef are scientists from Japan’s Osaka University, who have… Continue reading Japanese scientists produce first 3D-bioprinted, marbled Wagyu beef

Blood, brains and burgers: The future is lab-grown everything

Science fiction has long floated the idea of a device that can produce any kind of object one can imagine. Star Trek called it a replicator, while other writers have referred to it as a Santa Claus Machine.Continue ReadingCategory: TechnologyTags: Lab … Continue reading Blood, brains and burgers: The future is lab-grown everything

Microbes anyone? Study outlines huge potential of solar-powered protein

Sadly agriculture isn’t the most efficient process, requiring huge amounts of land and resources, and as the human population grows, our food supply will be put under increasing stress. But a new study has shown that farming protein from microbes could… Continue reading Microbes anyone? Study outlines huge potential of solar-powered protein

Genetically modified rice used for edible, easily stored cholera vaccine

Japanese researchers have developed a new type of cholera vaccine by genetically modifying rice to carry a non-toxic cholera antigen. The vaccine needs no refrigeration with the rice simply ground into a powder, mixed with water and consumed.Continue R… Continue reading Genetically modified rice used for edible, easily stored cholera vaccine

World’s first lab-grown-meat factory opens in Israel

From Singapore to the International Space Station, we’re starting to see how cultured, or lab-grown, meat might soon make its way out of the lab and into everyday diets, and a newly opened factory in Israel should do plenty to help things along. Billed… Continue reading World’s first lab-grown-meat factory opens in Israel

Bacterial compound from raw pork snack could preserve food naturally

Despite the fact that it’s made of fermented raw pork, the Vietnamese meat snack Nem Chua does not cause food poisoning in people who eat it. In fact, new research suggests that a compound found in it could be used as a natural food preservative.Contin… Continue reading Bacterial compound from raw pork snack could preserve food naturally