“Ionic wind” tech could revolutionize the fruit-drying industry

When you think of processes that could benefit from a high-tech makeover, the drying of fruit may not be the first one that comes to mind. It turns out, however, that the use of “ionic wind” for fruit-dehydration both saves energy and preserves nutrien… Continue reading “Ionic wind” tech could revolutionize the fruit-drying industry

Electronic nose uses color-changing barcodes to reveal spoiled meat

More accurately knowing when our food is no longer safe to eat could help avoid a lot of wastage, and lately we’re seeing how small, discreet sensors can tell us when these items begin to spoil. An international team of scientists has now put forward a… Continue reading Electronic nose uses color-changing barcodes to reveal spoiled meat

Radar-based inspection system scans food for foreign objects

No one likes the idea of biting into a cookie (or other food item) and finding a piece of glass, wood or plastic inside. An experimental new system is designed to keep that from happening, utilizing radar technology.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTag… Continue reading Radar-based inspection system scans food for foreign objects

Smartphone-connected device measures the heat of chilis

Given that not everyone has the same tolerance for hot chilis, it would be good if there were a simple, portable means of objectively assessing exactly how hot they are. Well, scientists have developed just such a gadget – and it plugs into a smartphon… Continue reading Smartphone-connected device measures the heat of chilis

Alphabet builds a plant-inspecting buggy for sustainable farming

Alphabet’s X moonshot factory is a research group working to solve big-picture ideas through technological innovation, and for its latest venture the team is turning its attention to sustainable farming. Called Mineral, the project aims to leverage cut… Continue reading Alphabet builds a plant-inspecting buggy for sustainable farming

Microneedle patch changes color to indicate food spoilage

We’ve already heard about so-called “microneedle patches” that are used for the painless and sustained release of medication through the skin. Now, MIT scientists have adapted the technology for the detection of spoiled food.Continue ReadingCategory: S… Continue reading Microneedle patch changes color to indicate food spoilage

“Fitbit for lobsters” could reduce pressure on wild stocks

Unlike many other seafood species, lobsters are typically shipped to stores and restaurants while still alive. New technology could help them survive the journey, thus reducing the number of extra lobsters that have to be caught in order to provide a “… Continue reading “Fitbit for lobsters” could reduce pressure on wild stocks

Super-supplemented shellfish found to be rich in vitamins

Although ingesting nutrients in tablet form is better than nothing, nutrients are best absorbed by our bodies if they’re part of the foods that we eat. With that in mind, scientists have recently created a supplement for shellfish that radically boosts… Continue reading Super-supplemented shellfish found to be rich in vitamins

New process harvests protein from shrimp-processing wastewater

When shrimp are processed at seafood plants, the resulting wastewater contains a lot of protein. Scientists have now devised a method of harvesting that protein, so it can be used to supplement animal feed or food for humans.Continue ReadingCategory: G… Continue reading New process harvests protein from shrimp-processing wastewater