Cloned monkey ReTro reaches insanely rare milestone of second birthday

Scientists have tweaked traditional cloning of mammals that has resulted in a healthy rhesus monkey who has now passed his second birthday. It’s the first successful cloning of the species, and a big deal for researchers given that primates having prov… Continue reading Cloned monkey ReTro reaches insanely rare milestone of second birthday

The first true chimeric monkey is born ‘glowing’ with two sets of DNA

In what sounds a little like the opening scenes from a sci-fi horror film, a team of scientists has taken seven-day-old monkey embryo stem cells and injected them into an unrelated four-to-five-day embryo from the same species, which was then injected … Continue reading The first true chimeric monkey is born ‘glowing’ with two sets of DNA

Mice cloned from freeze-dried cells could improve species conservation

Climate change is threatening many species with extinction, so we owe it to them to try to help. Japanese scientists have now successfully cloned mice from freeze-dried adult cells, which can be stored easily for long periods of time. Importantly, the … Continue reading Mice cloned from freeze-dried cells could improve species conservation

Open-Source Insulin: Biohackers Aiming for Distributed Production

When you’ve got a diabetic in your life, there are few moments in any day that are free from thoughts about insulin. Insulin is literally the first coherent thought I …read more Continue reading Open-Source Insulin: Biohackers Aiming for Distributed Production