Leech-inspired device may make for kinder, gentler blood sampling

Leeches may be creepy, but many people find hypodermic needles even creepier. That’s one of the reasons why scientists have developed a new leech-inspired blood collection device, which draws blood samples without the need for a big jab.Continue Readin… Continue reading Leech-inspired device may make for kinder, gentler blood sampling

Bacterial enzyme strips away blood types to create universal donor blood

There’s a global shortage of blood supplies needed for life-saving transfusions due to factors that include an aging population with a higher demand for it and a lack of volunteer donors. However, even if there was an ample blood supply, it’s not as si… Continue reading Bacterial enzyme strips away blood types to create universal donor blood

Bloodborne pathogens quickly ID’d by melting their DNA

A new technique, which involves melting bacterial DNA found in blood samples, could deliver diagnoses of potentially fatal infections faster than ever before. Results may be obtained in a few hours, instead of days.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, Sc… Continue reading Bloodborne pathogens quickly ID’d by melting their DNA

Standard blood testing may provide warning of impending heart attack

It can be hard to motivate yourself to take preventative measures against heart attack, if you don’t know if you’re even at risk of having one. According to new research, however, a standard blood test can now provide that information.Continue ReadingC… Continue reading Standard blood testing may provide warning of impending heart attack

Red blood cell sports world’s smallest moustache

An electron microscope image of the world's smallest moustache, modeled by a red blood cell

Australian scientists have created the world’s smallest moustache, tiny enough to be modeled by a single red blood cell. Measuring just 5 microns wide, the micro-mo was designed to raise awareness for men’s health.

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New drug given every few months reduces high blood pressure in trial

People with high blood pressure may soon be able to swap the daily pills for an injection every few months. A phase 2 clinical trial has shown that a drug called Zilebesiran can drastically reduce blood pressure for long periods of time with no side ef… Continue reading New drug given every few months reduces high blood pressure in trial

Gastric cancer biomarker nearly 90% accurate, even in early stages

Researchers have identified a blood protein that can be used as a marker of gastric and other cancers and is more accurate than existing diagnostic biomarkers, even in the early stages of the disease. The simple test may lead to the earlier diagnosis o… Continue reading Gastric cancer biomarker nearly 90% accurate, even in early stages

New quick, cheap blood test may detect cancer before symptoms appear

Researchers have developed a quick, cheap, and highly sensitive blood test to detect a telltale protein produced by cancer cells. The test can pick up a range of cancers before symptoms appear and could be key to early diagnosis of the disease.Continue… Continue reading New quick, cheap blood test may detect cancer before symptoms appear