Hair loss reversed with drug-loaded microneedle patches for alopecia

Scientists at Harvard have developed a promising new treatment to reverse hair loss associated with alopecia. Painless microneedle patches loaded with an immune regulating drug regrew hair in mice with alopecia within a few weeks.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Hair loss reversed with drug-loaded microneedle patches for alopecia

Studies discover single-gene mutation that can cause lupus

In two separate studies, German researchers have identified the single-gene mutation that can lead to the incurable autoimmune disease lupus. The discovery opens the door to developing new therapeutic approaches and testing for the mutation, which woul… Continue reading Studies discover single-gene mutation that can cause lupus

Immunotherapy strategy offers hope to autoimmune skin disease sufferers

Researchers have identified a way of selectively eliminating the ‘bad’ immune cells that contribute to autoimmune skin diseases, while leaving the ‘good’ cells intact. The discovery could lead to longer-lasting, more targeted treatments for conditions … Continue reading Immunotherapy strategy offers hope to autoimmune skin disease sufferers

“Inverse vaccine” reverses autoimmune diseases like MS, diabetes & arthritis

Researchers have developed an “inverse vaccine” that reverses the damage caused when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s healthy organs and tissues in autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. It… Continue reading “Inverse vaccine” reverses autoimmune diseases like MS, diabetes & arthritis

Probiotic shows promise as multiple sclerosis therapy in mice tests

Scientists have demonstrated in mouse studies that specially designed probiotics can reduce brain inflammation associated with diseases like multiple sclerosis. The study points to new potential therapies for hard-to-treat chronic conditions that may b… Continue reading Probiotic shows promise as multiple sclerosis therapy in mice tests

Amping up natural mechanism self-repairs nerves to alleviate MS symptoms

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS). While sufferers can experience long periods of remission where common symptoms such as motor control and fatigue can subside as MS … Continue reading Amping up natural mechanism self-repairs nerves to alleviate MS symptoms

New study challenges decades-long understanding of our immune system

Researchers have discovered new information about how the body’s immune system works, simultaneously calling into question decades of understanding about the process of antibody-mediated immunity and opening the door for advancements in immunological t… Continue reading New study challenges decades-long understanding of our immune system

Discovery of compound with potential to treat autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases affect almost four percent of the global population, the most common being Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. A new study has identified a naturally occurring compound that may provide a new wa… Continue reading Discovery of compound with potential to treat autoimmune diseases

Reprogramming mouse microbiomes leads to recovery from MS

As with many autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammation is linked to the development of multiple sclerosis (MS), a condition that attacks the sheaths around nerves and can lead to muscle weakness and spasms, difficulty walking or moving, stiffness, pain… Continue reading Reprogramming mouse microbiomes leads to recovery from MS

Immune-regulating nanoparticles prevent arthritis in susceptible mice

Autoimmune diseases are a common health problem, and while system-wide immune suppression can help relieve symptoms, this can cause other complications. In a new study, scientists at Scripps Research developed nanoparticles that can selectively target … Continue reading Immune-regulating nanoparticles prevent arthritis in susceptible mice