Dark matter: What is it, how do we know it’s there and will we find it?

It sounds like science fiction to say there’s invisible, undetectable stuff all around us, and it doesn’t help that it has the spooky name of dark matter. But there’s plenty of evidence that this material is very real. So what exactly is dark matter? H… Continue reading Dark matter: What is it, how do we know it’s there and will we find it?

First detection of polarized radio waves from gamma ray burst sheds light on collapsing stars

The first polarized light from a gamma ray burst seven billion light years away is helping astronomers to gain a better understanding of collapsing stars and other high-energy phenomena. Originating from gamma-ray burst GRB 190114C in the con… Continue reading First detection of polarized radio waves from gamma ray burst sheds light on collapsing stars

Dusty, gassy origins of giant planets observed at last

An international team of physicists has finally found proof of circumplanetary disks, adding substantial weight to current theoretical models of planet formation. These disks of gas surrounded by dust have eluded detection, until now. ..
Con… Continue reading Dusty, gassy origins of giant planets observed at last

This Runaway ‘Hypervelocity’ Star Was Catapulted from the Milky Way’s Disk

“This discovery dramatically changes our view on the origin of fast-moving stars.” Continue reading This Runaway ‘Hypervelocity’ Star Was Catapulted from the Milky Way’s Disk

I Went to the ‘Contact’ Radio Telescope with the Astrophysicist Behind Twitter’s All-Time Sickest Burn

Most scientists famous for talking about science are men who became celebritized well into their careers. Not Katie Mack. Continue reading I Went to the ‘Contact’ Radio Telescope with the Astrophysicist Behind Twitter’s All-Time Sickest Burn