Dark energy: The eerie force accelerating the expansion of the universe

The universe is expanding, and that expansion is accelerating. But what is causing that to happen? The leading hypothesis is a repellent force that astrophysicists refer to as “dark energy,” which pushes everything away from everything else. So how doe… Continue reading Dark energy: The eerie force accelerating the expansion of the universe

Einstein’s handwritten “E= mc2” letter sells for $1.24 million

Invoking the immutable laws of supply and demand, this one page handwritten letter from Albert Einstein to Dr. Ludwik Silberstein, in German, on personal Princeton letterhead, and dated 26 October 1946, sold for $1,243,708. The letter contains the singular known holograph in private ownership of Einstein most famous equation

Albert Einstein is the world’s most recognizable, best known and universally loved scientist. He embodies the essence of genius and although he passed away 66 years ago, he is still among the top earning dead celebrities, right up there with the world’s best known actors and rock stars who died with traditional digital royalties. He also established the world’s best known formula: E= mc2. So when a handwritten letter appeared at auction in which Einstein wrote the famous formula in his own hand, it was logical that it should sell for a grand amount. It did, becoming the fourth Einstein letter to sell for more than $1.0 million.

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New theoretical warp drive design clears “negative energy” barrier

Faster-than-light (FTL) travel is a staple of sci-fi, hand-waving away multi-millennia journeys between stars. Such a technology would of course be incredibly handy to us in the real world, and while these “warp drives” have been considered theoretical… Continue reading New theoretical warp drive design clears “negative energy” barrier

Star spotted with spirograph orbit around supermassive black hole

In space, most orbiting objects will have circular- or elliptical-shaped orbits. But now, almost 30 years of observations has revealed that a star in the center of our galaxy orbits the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) in a rosette, or s… Continue reading Star spotted with spirograph orbit around supermassive black hole

30 landmark scientific artifacts heading for auction this month

The month of July, 2019 will be a bumper one for the number of landmark scientific artifacts heading for auction. Three Christie’s auctions and a Sotheby’s auction have such a stellar array of scientific documents, manuscripts, tablets, seals and artifacts that we thought it worthwhile documenting them, even though in some cases, they are estimated to sell for quite affordable amounts.

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Category: Collectibles


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A New Theory Unifies Dark Matter and Dark Energy as a ‘Dark Fluid’ With Negative Mass

Can one of Einstein’s forgotten theories solve the riddle of why 95 percent of the stuff in the universe appears to be missing? Continue reading A New Theory Unifies Dark Matter and Dark Energy as a ‘Dark Fluid’ With Negative Mass

A Black Hole Has Been Shredding a Star Twice the Size of the Sun for 10 Years

Astronomers have been watching the full fallout of a tidal disruption event for years. Continue reading A Black Hole Has Been Shredding a Star Twice the Size of the Sun for 10 Years

Physicists Used Atomic Clocks To Test Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in a 14-Year Experiment

A foundational thought experiment in Einstein’s theory of general relativity just got its most precise confirmation ever by turning the entire Earth into a laboratory. Continue reading Physicists Used Atomic Clocks To Test Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in a 14-Year Experiment