Scientists Think an Exploding Star Helped Kill Off the Megalodon

An Astrobiology study proposes that an ancient supernova could have exposed Megalodon and other large ocean animals to deadly muon radiation. Continue reading Scientists Think an Exploding Star Helped Kill Off the Megalodon

Black Holes Can’t Account for Missing Dark Matter in the Universe

A statistical analysis of 740 supernovas found that black holes can only account for 40 percent of dark matter in the universe, putting another nail in the coffin for the MACHOs theory of dark matter. Continue reading Black Holes Can’t Account for Missing Dark Matter in the Universe

A Black Hole Has Been Shredding a Star Twice the Size of the Sun for 10 Years

Astronomers have been watching the full fallout of a tidal disruption event for years. Continue reading A Black Hole Has Been Shredding a Star Twice the Size of the Sun for 10 Years