Snail Mail Notifier’s Simple Power Management To Maximize Battery Life

There are no weird, specialized components nor esoteric sleep mode tricks behind the long battery life of [Zak]’s WiFi mail slot watcher. Just some sensible design and clever focus on …read more Continue reading Snail Mail Notifier’s Simple Power Management To Maximize Battery Life

WPA(2/3)-PSK-compatible per-device Wi-Fi passwords to prevent AP MITM on IoT networks

While WPA2-PSK and WPA3-SAE are really secure once a connection has been established, my understanding is that if you have access to the Wi-Fi password you can impersonate the AP without any problems. I’m starting to add more and more IoT … Continue reading WPA(2/3)-PSK-compatible per-device Wi-Fi passwords to prevent AP MITM on IoT networks

Need expert help regarding a long term targeted attack,mount infected partition safetly and other security questions [Thinkpad T450] [closed]

I’ve got a t450 thinkpad and am under a targeted attack most likely by physical contact with my device (shared house).
I need to format all my partitions but first preferably mount them on a chrooted session to copy some desirable files, s… Continue reading Need expert help regarding a long term targeted attack,mount infected partition safetly and other security questions [Thinkpad T450] [closed]