How to secure a web-only chat with message persistence and ability to delete a message?

I want to create a website for internal secure chat. I want to be able to give people a user name and log in and then they can log in to a portal at a website; then I can chat to them solely in a chat interface on this website. If they hav… Continue reading How to secure a web-only chat with message persistence and ability to delete a message?

Unlisted directory discovery of a web server without using bruteforce attacks

Some creator I support on SubscribeStar hosts their files on a dedicated AWS web storage server of theirs and the names are easily accessible and sometimes guessable without any kind of security or authentication. I got curious to see what… Continue reading Unlisted directory discovery of a web server without using bruteforce attacks

How can you make sure a remote web server is processing the right data and executing the code you expect? [closed]

Currently I’m trusting my web hoster to run my code on my behalf without tampering with the execution at some point.
What are some techniques to protect against this?
For instance, preventing the hoster from arbitrarily skipping some instr… Continue reading How can you make sure a remote web server is processing the right data and executing the code you expect? [closed]