of the cookies created by OTHER websites, which ones would the browser allow a website to access?

I know that sites can share some information between each other by sharing cookies amongst themselves. They have to be in some kind of agreement with each other I assume? Or can any random site read all the cookies that are currently saved… Continue reading of the cookies created by OTHER websites, which ones would the browser allow a website to access?

Browser- side caching of encrypted sensitive informations in sessionStorage?

We are currently implementing envelope encryption to securely encrypt sensitive data(name, emails, phone numbers, photo, previous employers etc.) about our users. However, we are now thinking about to implement browser-side caching to redu… Continue reading Browser- side caching of encrypted sensitive informations in sessionStorage?

Are the encrypted browser-saved passwords randomly overwritten when deleted?

Normal ‘deleting’ of data and actually randomly overwriting it are very different in terms of security. So, just deleting passwords is not considered secure, because they can be recovered.
And although nearly all browsers encrypt their sav… Continue reading Are the encrypted browser-saved passwords randomly overwritten when deleted?