Progressive profiling with auth0: Security when communicating with auth0 actions

I currently try to implement progressive profiling with auth0 according to: to gather first name and last name of a user after a succesful reg… Continue reading Progressive profiling with auth0: Security when communicating with auth0 actions

Why there are not different schemas in request and response at swagger sample pet shop? [migrated]

The question refers to the pet shop example API at or see below.
The example uses the same pet scheme in requestBody and responses.
What is the reasoning behind this?
Is it only a practice to echo everything in t… Continue reading Why there are not different schemas in request and response at swagger sample pet shop? [migrated]

Posted in API

What are the chances that a human forgets a password they regularly use? [closed]

I’m thinking to what extend being dependent on one password to encrypt all my data is a good idea. While I would expect that I normally will remember the password, I’m unsure about how likely it is that my brain will fail in an unexpected … Continue reading What are the chances that a human forgets a password they regularly use? [closed]