Is it bad practice to prompt users to reset password when there is no evidence of a breach?

I have received many security emails from LinkedIn over the past few weeks. An example is shown below (redaction mine)

I do not live in the USA and I did not try to access LinkedIn at the times these were received.
Two things suggested to… Continue reading Is it bad practice to prompt users to reset password when there is no evidence of a breach?

How to sync Windows password with current session after password reset? [migrated]

I am writing an application to do the following procedures automatically:

It resets (or change – I know the old password) Windows local Administrator password using net user Administrator *
After resetting Windows password, it encrypts a … Continue reading How to sync Windows password with current session after password reset? [migrated]

How could one use multi-factor authentication to derive a static secret key?

The setup is that each user has a randomly generated key A used for encrypting data stored on the server and a password-derived key B used to store A on the server without the server getting access to A. So the server stores the … Continue reading How could one use multi-factor authentication to derive a static secret key?