One-minute bursts of everyday activity linked to a longer life

Finding time for exercise around work, family and life’s other commitments can be tricky business, but as research continues to show, there is still a lot to gain from squeezing in short spurts here and there. A new study has driven this point home by … Continue reading One-minute bursts of everyday activity linked to a longer life

Cheap sodium-sulfur battery boasts 4x the capacity of lithium-ion

An international team of scientists eyeing next-generation energy storage solutions have demonstrated an eco-friendly and low-cost battery with some exciting potential. The group’s novel sodium-sulfur battery design offers a fourfold increase on energy… Continue reading Cheap sodium-sulfur battery boasts 4x the capacity of lithium-ion

Octopuses hurl objects in rare example of animal throwing behavior

Scientists studying the behavior of wild octopuses off the coast of Australia have made a strange discovery, with the creatures caught hurling silt, algae and even shells at one another. The finding sees the cephalopods join just a handful of animals k… Continue reading Octopuses hurl objects in rare example of animal throwing behavior

Study states low-protein processed foods are driving obesity epidemic

Processed foods have never been favorites of nutritionists, and recent research now bolsters the claim that such foods are the leading cause of obesity in the Western world. It all comes down to something known as the Protein Leverage Hypothesis.Contin… Continue reading Study states low-protein processed foods are driving obesity epidemic

Manufactured blood vessels mature naturally once in the body

Damage to blood vessels that leaves them blocked or otherwise impeded can leave no option other than surgical replacement. Traditionally, this can involve vessels from a donor or harvested from elsewhere in the patient’s body, but lately we’re seeing h… Continue reading Manufactured blood vessels mature naturally once in the body

Manufactured blood vessels mature naturally once in the body

Damage to blood vessels that leaves them blocked or otherwise impeded can leave no option other than surgical replacement. Traditionally, this can involve vessels from a donor or harvested from elsewhere in the patient’s body, but lately we’re seeing h… Continue reading Manufactured blood vessels mature naturally once in the body

Manufactured blood vessels mature naturally once in the body

Damage to blood vessels that leaves them blocked or otherwise impeded can leave no option other than surgical replacement. Traditionally, this can involve vessels from a donor or harvested from elsewhere in the patient’s body, but lately we’re seeing h… Continue reading Manufactured blood vessels mature naturally once in the body

“Impossible” neutron star spins too slowly and emits 7 types of signals

Astronomers have discovered a super strange neutron star that challenges our understanding of them – but may help unlock the mystery of fast radio bursts (FRBs). The object spins far slower than any other known neutron star, and gives off seven distinc… Continue reading “Impossible” neutron star spins too slowly and emits 7 types of signals

Advanced photonic radar captures images down to the centimeter scale

Researchers at the University of Sydney have developed a new type of radar that can measure objects down to centimeters. The new technique uses a photonic system to generate much higher bandwidth signals, enabling radar that can detect smaller objects … Continue reading Advanced photonic radar captures images down to the centimeter scale

“Sight”-restoring bionic eye proceeds along the path to human trials

There may be new hope for people with certain types of blindness, as an experimental sight-restoring device has been deemed safe for implantation. It still has to be tested on humans, though, and it will likely provide a fairly rudimentary form of visi… Continue reading “Sight”-restoring bionic eye proceeds along the path to human trials