Ultrasound haptic system projects readable Braille into thin air

For people who rely on Braille, reading displays and signs in public can be a challenge, but a new system could help make things easier. HaptiRead is a haptic feedback device that uses ultrasound pulses in precise patterns to reproduce Braille text in … Continue reading Ultrasound haptic system projects readable Braille into thin air

Contactless Doorbell Built To Avoid Coronavirus

It’s often said that necessity breeds creativity, and during a global pandemic such words have proved truer than ever. Realising the common doorbell could be a potential surface transmission point for coronavirus, [CasperHuang] whipped up a quick build.

The build eschews the typical pushbutton we’re all familiar with. Instead, it …read more

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Ultrasound brain stimulation changes monkey behavior directly

The brain is a difficult organ to treat – medications have a variety of side effects and surgery is dangerous and invasive. But now, researchers at the University of Utah have shown how ultrasound can be used to affect specific regions of the brain, an… Continue reading Ultrasound brain stimulation changes monkey behavior directly

New study shows how ultrasound technique can treat Alzheimer’s disease

The research investigates how the blood-brain barrier, composed of endothelial cells (imaged above), can be disrupted by focused ultrasound and potentially help treat Alzheimer's disease

A new study led by Australian researchers is offering further insight into how a novel ultrasound technique could help treat Alzheimer’s disease. The findings describe how focused ultrasound can weaken the blood-brain barrier in brain cells from Alzheimer’s patients, potentially improving the uptake of drugs designed to treat the disease.

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New X-ray technique images soft-tissue tumors clearer than MRI

Generally, X-rays are used to examine bones, while MRI and ultrasound are used to look at softer tissues. But an emerging method is adapting X-ray to image soft tissue, so that its higher resolution can reveal tumors or other problems earlier than othe… Continue reading New X-ray technique images soft-tissue tumors clearer than MRI

World-first ultrasound biosensor promises real-time tumor tracking

Ultrasound has become an indispensable tool for showing us internal structures of the human body, but could it come to offer a far more detailed and dynamic picture as the body responds to drugs or disease? Scientists in Australia have leveraged the te… Continue reading World-first ultrasound biosensor promises real-time tumor tracking

New lab-on-a-chip device detects spread of disease using sound waves

One physiological consequence of cancer and other diseases spreading throughout the body can be the hardening of the structure surrounding cells called the extracellular matrix. Scientists at Purdue University have now developed a new way to detect suc… Continue reading New lab-on-a-chip device detects spread of disease using sound waves

Fear of Potato Chips: Samy Kamkar’s Side-Channel Attack Roundup

What do potato chips and lost car keys have in common? On the surface, it would seem not much, unless you somehow managed to lose your keys in a bag of chips, which would be embarrassing enough that you’d likely never speak of it. But there is a surprising link …read more

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Siri and Google Assistant hacked in new ultrasonic attack

Researchers have demonstrated how voice assistants can be secretly activated without ever physically touching the device. Continue reading Siri and Google Assistant hacked in new ultrasonic attack