Adding ultrasound to water could more thoroughly disinfect veggies

The 2019 North American outbreak of E. coli contamination in romaine lettuce doubtless got many people thinking about how to most effectively wash their leafy veggies. Well, a new study suggests that using ultrasonic water may be the best way to go.Con… Continue reading Adding ultrasound to water could more thoroughly disinfect veggies

How to Monitor Blood Pressure Without Raising It

Does anyone actually enjoy the sensation of being squeezed by a blood pressure cuff? Well, as Mom used to say, it takes all kinds. For those who find the feeling nearly faint-inducing, take heart: researchers at UC San Diego have …read more

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Ultrasound triggers brain’s waste disposal system in Alzheimer’s patients

Rashi Mehta led a research team at West Virginia University investigating targeted ultrasound as a potential treatment for Alzheimer's

Among the many moving parts that scientists suspect may play a role in Alzheimer’s disease is one known as the glymphatic system, which is thought to flush waste chemicals from the brain. A new study has demonstrated how this recently discovered system might be kicked into gear via ultrasound, with the technique proving effective in stimulating its activity in patients as part of early human trials.

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Ultrasound and magnetism let drug-delivery nanobeads travel upstream

Although various groups are already working on nanoparticles that could be used for directed drug delivery via the bloodstream, most of those particles are designed to “go with the flow.” Now, however, Swiss researchers have created ones that can actua… Continue reading Ultrasound and magnetism let drug-delivery nanobeads travel upstream

Two more coma patients’ brains jump-started with ultrasound

Five years ago, we heard how a team at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) had used ultrasound to seemingly “jump start” a patient out of a coma. At the time, the scientists wondered if such results could be repeated, or if their success w… Continue reading Two more coma patients’ brains jump-started with ultrasound

Ultrasound drill uses nanodroplets to bust up tough blood clots

Blood clots can be dangerous, and blood thinning drugs aren’t always enough to clear them out. Now, researchers at North Carolina State University have demonstrated an ultrasonic “drill” that can break clots apart with the help of tiny nanodroplets.Con… Continue reading Ultrasound drill uses nanodroplets to bust up tough blood clots

World’s smallest ultrasound detector is tinier than a blood cell

Scientists in Germany have succeeded in developing the smallest ultrasound detector ever created, which is tinier than a blood cell and opens up new possibilities in what is known as super-resolution imaging. The researchers describe the results as “br… Continue reading World’s smallest ultrasound detector is tinier than a blood cell