Wearable ultrasound patch could warn of cardiovascular problems

It goes without saying that the earlier someone can be warned of an impending heart attack or stroke, the better. A new skin patch could provide such warnings, by sending ultrasound pulses into the wearer’s body.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, Scien… Continue reading Wearable ultrasound patch could warn of cardiovascular problems

New process promises more efficient recycling of EV batteries

While electric vehicles certainly are more eco-friendly than their fuel-burning counterparts, their battery packs still aren’t as recyclable as they could be. A new process could help, by more efficiently extracting reusable materials from old lithium-… Continue reading New process promises more efficient recycling of EV batteries

Ultrasound boosts memory of aging mice in Alzheimer’s study

Ultrasound may be a way to not just tackle brain plaques associated with Alzheimer's, but also age-related cognitive decline in the broader population

One promising possibility when it comes to treating Alzheimer’s is the idea of using non-invasive ultrasound to take out toxic brain plaques, and a group of researchers in Australia have been at the cutting edge of this technology for a number of years. The scientists’ latest investigations have uncovered some surprising new ways this technique can improve cognition in mouse models of the disease, which they believe could have wider implications for restoring cognition in the elderly.

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New evidence ultrasound pulses can treat high blood pressure

New results from a clinical trial testing a novel ultrasound therapy for hypertension show the experimental treatment can deliver clinically meaningful reductions in blood pressure. The treatment is based on an old hypothesis that disrupting signals fr… Continue reading New evidence ultrasound pulses can treat high blood pressure

World’s smallest single-chip system can be injected into the body

The continuing miniaturization of electronics is opening up some exciting possibilities when it comes to what we might place in our bodies to monitor and improve our health. Engineers at Columbia University have demonstrated an extreme version of this … Continue reading World’s smallest single-chip system can be injected into the body

“Seeing-eye shoes” for the blind to be enhanced with onboard cameras

Manufactured by Austrian startup Tec-Innovation, the InnoMake shoe uses ultrasound sensors to warn blind users of obstacles in their path. The footwear may soon become even more capable, though, thanks to integrated cameras.Continue ReadingCategory: We… Continue reading “Seeing-eye shoes” for the blind to be enhanced with onboard cameras

Fireflies may use ultrasonic “musical armor” to fend off bats

When we think of camouflage, it’s usually a visual pattern. But how do you hide from a predator that uses sound to find food, like a bat? If you’re a firefly, it turns out you might resort to a cacophony of ultrasound that acts like “musical armor.”Con… Continue reading Fireflies may use ultrasonic “musical armor” to fend off bats

Scientists read minds of monkeys using new ultrasound technique

Brain-machine interfaces are one of those incredible ideas that were once the reserve of science fiction. However, in recent years scientists have begun to experiment with primitive forms of the technology, even going as far as helping a quadriplegic c… Continue reading Scientists read minds of monkeys using new ultrasound technique

Ultrasound pulses focused at liver help treat obesity in mouse models

Obesity is one of the most pressing health problems in the world today, but a new study suggests a potential non-invasive treatment. In tests in mice, researchers found that directing ultrasound pulses to the liver helped reduce a number of markers ass… Continue reading Ultrasound pulses focused at liver help treat obesity in mouse models