Firefox Bolsters Privacy, Pulls Plug on Browser Canvas Fingerprinting

Firefox is to stop using the privacy-busting canvas-based browser fingerprinting that allows websites to track users’ online activities. Continue reading Firefox Bolsters Privacy, Pulls Plug on Browser Canvas Fingerprinting

Firefox 58 to Block Canvas Browser Fingerprinting By Default to Stop Online Tracking

Do you know? Thousands of websites use HTML5 Canvas—a method supported by all major browsers that allow websites to dynamically draw graphics on web pages—to track and potentially identify users across the websites by secretly fingerprinting their web browsers.

Over three years ago, the concern surrounding browser fingerprinting was highlighted by computer security experts from Princeton

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Zerodium Offers $1 Million for Tor Browser 0-Days That It will Resell to Governments

It seems like Tor Browser zero-day exploits are in high demand right now—so much so that someone is ready to pay ONE MILLION dollars.

Zerodium—a company that specialises in acquiring and reselling zero-day exploits—just announced that it will pay up to USD 1,000,000 for working zero-day exploits for the popular Tor Browser on Tails Linux and Windows operating system.

Tor browser users should

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Tor Launches Bug Bounty Program — Get Paid for Hacking!

With the growing number of cyber attacks and breaches, a significant number of companies and organisations have started Bug Bounty programs for encouraging hackers, bug hunters and researchers to find and responsibly report bugs in their services and get rewarded.

Following major companies and organisations, the non-profit group behind Tor Project – the largest online anonymity network that

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Anonymous Hacker took down over 10,000 Dark Web Sites; Leaked User Database

Dark Web is right now going through a very rough time.

Just two days ago, a hacker group affiliated with Anonymous broke into the servers of Freedom Hosting II and took down more than 10,000 Tor-based .onion dark websites with an alarming announcement… Continue reading Anonymous Hacker took down over 10,000 Dark Web Sites; Leaked User Database